Your Last Day on Earth

Matthew VanFossan/ January 15, 2024/ Death, Poetry, Spirituality

Your last day has come. And how will you spend it? A trip to the ocean, a feast with friends? Will you hurry through a list of someday-maybe’s, or will you savor the last drops of a drink that is sweetest at the bottom?

Whatever you choose, please reach out to me. Reassure me that we are always together. Remind me that you live in my heart. It won’t take long. Just a brief moment for the words, “I love you.” Or speak my name with that song on your breath..

Spend your last day on earth without clothing. Discard the coat of restraint. Walk barefoot on the dew-covered grass and cry out at the first shock of its touch. You have nothing to hide from me. I have already seen your Soul. Dewy feet won’t dampen its majesty.

On this last day, do you feel sad to leave this world? Excited at the prospect of the next? Will you stay up all night to say good-bye to the stars, or drift into doubt about choices you made?

Let your fleeting time in the passing world be precious in these final hours. Fear not the journey ahead. I will be with you if you will have me, holding your hand and giving you solace, guiding you on and following your footsteps. Who leads whom is impossible to say, but we travel together in the company of Christ.

Regret nothing, beloved, for only your regret binds you to mistakes. Release your projects like seeds on the breeze. They will be carried to fertile ground. Leave even your loved ones, for we are blazing a trail for them, making a prayer for them. The way ahead holds a joyful reunion. And they will arrive when the time is right.

Your last day is here. A spin of the globe. Perhaps a bit longer or shorter in time. However you spend it I ask you, befriend it, and I will rejoice with you, loved one of mine.

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  1. Wow and thanks for another profoundly precious piece of prose, like your songs are at the twice a month zoom singing nights you co-host! As I suggested on Saturday, you can compile them into a book! Love, Dantastic

  2. Heartfelt and inspiring. Thank you for sharing, Matthew. Blessings

  3. This is so beautiful ! Sharing it now , from my Heart, with my sis who is on hospice care . Thank you ! God bless you ! I love you !

    1. I’m so touched to hear it Ellie. Sanding Light to your sister and you.

  4. Thanks matty. “However you spend it I ask you befriend it” is a beautiful line. I love you

  5. Wow Thanks for sharing this insightful message Matt.
    All my love always
    Laura OBrien

  6. Matthew, this is just beautiful! I am so grateful to you for sharing it. I’ll be keeping it with me to share as I’m called, as well as to turn to myself. What a treasure!🙏💕

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