Silence Is Golden

Matthew VanFossan/ June 7, 2023/ Insights, Music

Silence. Not the absence of sound, but the rich, unmanifest fullness that comes when we really stop to listen. This silence is heard with the entire being, not just the ears. And it reverberates in the heart. It is the sound of Love that has called to saints and mystics from the beginning of time. It exists both in the quietest part of early morning and the most cacophonous traffic jam. It offers experiential proof about the eternal nature of who we are, and it can yield practical guidance for everyday life.

Silence is golden. Golden because those of us who stop to listen to it are gently, sometimes powerfully ushered into our Christ-selves. We are guided to live in grace and brought to the awareness that the scope of our life stretches expansively into a multi-dimensional reality of which the physical world is a small part.

Here’s a song I wrote inspired by connecting to this silence. I hope it gives you pause to listen again to what is waiting to be heard.

Silence Is Golden

Silence is golden in some ways older than
Every earth but the One that gives birth to us

Love is the greatest sound I know with an exhale of awe that comes as it goes
and all life in it resides

Silence is sweeter
in some ways deeper than every sound but the one I have found in the heart

Love is the greatest song I know from the very last breath to the very first word
and all life in it resides

Silence is tender it helps us remember
the part of ourselves that we thought we had lost long ago

oh Lord
I am yours

Silence is sacred
it leaves us naked of all we would put
between us and the God that we are
between us and the God that we are

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1 Comment

  1. Beautiful, Matt! I hope to hear it live at the zoom singing night you host this Saturday. Love, Dantastic

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