I’ve always been curious to visit Alaska. The vast landscapes, the remarkable wildlife, the mix of cultures thriving in a hostile climate. So, when my friend David invited us to come to his home in Juneau for a visit, I was elated.
I love You – This is a song about reconciliation and forgiveness between two people. It’s also a song about finding love inside of oneself and the courage to continue loving even after feeling hurt.
Silence. Not the absence of sound, but the rich, unmanifest fullness that comes when we really stop to listen. This silence is heard with the entire being, not just the ears. And it reverberates in the heart. It is the sound of Love that has called to saints and mystics from the beginning of time. It exists both in the
This song is about the sound current, the audible lifestream in all of existence. When I stop to listen, to open my consciousness and receive, so much is revealed… and there’s so much more still to be discovered! I wrote the lyrics. The amazing Makeda Floyd is singing with me. Also in the chorus are Sylvia Giussani and Dawn White.
I have been leading meditations at Prana, a spiritual center in Los Angeles, for about a year now and I thought it would be nice to share just a little of that with you here. There are as many ways to meditate successfully as there are people on the planet, so my focus is less on any technique and more
This past Tuesday morning at around 3:45am I sat next to my beloved retired guide dog, Achilles, as he took his last breath. I’m not a big crier, but I shed more than a few tears. We were outside the house on the side of the driveway, near some trees. I had taken him out after he’d had an accident