Love is the Means and the End

Matthew VanFossan/ June 7, 2023/ Books, Insights, Love, Spirituality, Through the Eyes of the Soul: Parables of Spiritual Awareness

Here’s a chapter excerpted from a book I wrote and self-published during the pandemic. The book is full of short stories like this one that illustrate lessons on spiritual topics. This particular story talks about putting devotion and persistence over phenomena and fast results. Enjoy!

Chapter 6
Love is the Means and the End
“Be the love, the appreciation of the goodness in all, just like you truly are.”
John Morton, DSS


A student had studied for several years with his spiritual teacher. One day he went to him, saying, “Teacher, I need your guidance. My spiritual practice is not what it used to be. I don’t know why. I meditate and I pray, but I’m just not getting the kinds of experiences I once did.”

The teacher thought for a moment.  “Before you can truly learn a thing you must teach it yourself. You will help one of the students who has been with us for only a few days with his spiritual practice. Teach him all you know and you will learn something.”

So the student began to teach. Sitting across from the new student, he began to explain the importance of breath.

“Let your breathing come deeply and evenly. It comes in through your nose, filling your diaphragm, then exits through the mouth. And remember, you are not the one who is breathing. It is the breath who breathes you.”

They talked about body posture next. “It’s good to keep your back straight,” said the student. “But the way you are sitting matters less than having your weight evenly distributed. You can lie down if you want. Balance is the key.”

The new student experimented with different positions, then settled on one he liked.

“Now I will give you a mantra,” said the teacher. “Repeat it as often as you like. It will give your mind something to do and help lift you into a higher vibration.”

He gave the new student the words to the mantra and had him repeat it until it was just right.

“Ok, now we’re ready to begin.” The two sat in stillness for a while. Their breath moved through them like ripples in a sacred pool. The mantras sang their silent song. And the two sat on.

Finally, it was over. “How was it?” the teacher asked his new pupil.

“Oh my God, it was incredible! I had the most powerful vision! There was a rainbow of colors, and within each color I saw a different incarnation that my Soul is now living. Thank you so much!”

The first student did his best to conceal his displeasure with the new student’s enthusiasm. He himself hadn’t had any visions. In fact it had been rather boring.

The next day the two resumed their spiritual practice. They sat facing one another in silence. Their breath was deep and even. After a time the first student opened his eyes and ended the session.

“How was it this time?” he asked.

“Wow, it was so cool!” said the new student. “I had a vision that I was talking to an older version of myself. He was explaining to me about the great purpose that my life will fulfill. He said it’s my destiny to make important contributions to mankind.”

“That’s great,” said the veteran student. But again he had to conceal his dismay. He hadn’t had any messages from his older self. All he had seen were the backs of his eyelids.

The next day the two began their spiritual practice again. After it was over, the student asked his pupil how it went.

“I didn’t get anything this time,” he said. “I think I must’ve been breathing wrong. You said it was in through the nose and out through the mouth, right?”

The more experienced student laughed. “Don’t worry about the breath,” he said. “You’re not doing it wrong. The only way to really screw up your spiritual practice is to quit practicing.”

“But why didn’t I get a vision?” asked the other.

“Visions aren’t the point. If you have them, fine. But what we’re doing here goes beyond any single vision. We’re communing with God. Bring this loving commitment to your practice and you’ll grow and deepen beyond your wildest imaginings. You may not always see the benefits, but trust me, you’re receiving them.”

As the student spoke these words he heard in his mind what his teacher had told him: “Before you can truly learn a thing you must teach it yourself.” He realized then that the lesson he had just given his new student was also meant for him. He had become impatient with his spiritual practice. He had been looking to get something out of it rather than seeking to pour all of his love into it. He was humbled.

The two students continued their practice together for the next few weeks. The new student didn’t have anymore visions. Despite the first student’s counsel and encouragement, he became disappointed, then frustrated. Finally, he stopped altogether.

“I think I just needed those couple of visions,” he said. “Now I can get on with my life.”

The older student gave him his blessing and said good-bye. This novice would learn what he needed to sooner or later. Maybe it would even be during his current lifetime.


You can find the full kindle version of this book available to purchase by clicking here: Through the Eyes of the Soul: Parables of Spiritual Awareness


Cover of the book: a golden sunset over the ocean where the clouds marks a eye shape and the sun is the iris and pupil
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