Achilles Passing

Matthew VanFossan/ March 24, 2022/ Achilles, Death, Love, Music

This past Tuesday morning at around 3:45am I sat next to my beloved retired guide dog, Achilles, as he took his last breath. I’m not a big crier, but I shed more than a few tears.

We were outside the house on the side of the driveway, near some trees. I had taken him out after he’d had an accident and was shocked when he suddenly collapsed as we walked up the driveway. I sat with him for awhile. Soon, Rita came and joined me. She said by the looks of things he was dying.

I told him, as much to myself as to him, that it was okay for him to go. That he’d had a long, beautiful life of service with me and I was so grateful for all the loving we’d shared. I felt the presence of Spirit very strongly then. A few minutes later, it was done.

I’ve spent the last few days adjusting to the new reality. Achilles was such a constant presence with me, and I miss him still. Of course, I am grateful for all we have shared, and that loving will endure beyond any physical body.

What lies ahead for Achilles is a mystery to me, but I trust that his essence will go on in some way, continuing to be of service and inspiring loving.

I had written a song about a week before this happened. Unconscious to me at the time, it was a foreshadowing of what was coming and an honoring of Achilles’s life. I’m sharing it here.

Just Beyond Death

A Whisper can be loud
When it whispers truth that’s found
Within every heart
You can hear it start right now
Right now

Love is like a prayer
Coming from the strong who dare
Dare to reach beyond
Feeling that it’s wrong to care
To care

Fierce as  the courage of a warrior
Gentle as The patience of a saint
Innocent and free as a four year old who knows that he can paint
Hard as cradling your lover as he breathes his last breath
Sweet as knowing that he’s smiling at you just beyond death

Listen to the wind
Do you hear it end or begin?
Does it stir in you
Something that you always knew

Fierce as  the courage of a warrior
Gentle as The patience of a saint
Innocent and free as a four year old who knows that he can paint
Hard as cradling your lover as he breathes his last breath
Sweet as knowing that he’s smiling on you just beyond death
Just beyond death
Just beyond death

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  1. Thank you Matt, such a beautiful song, unknowingly and yet inner knowingly written for you and Achilles. May it soften the aching pain as love is the reason for it. Loving you. So grateful to have met Achilles on a few occasions. Memorable ones at Living in Grace, also at Prana and at other workshop. Light to his sweet soul going onwards and upwards to his next level of evolvement fhg. My condolences, love and light to you and Rita at this time. ❤️💞🙏💕🐾

  2. Beautiful song, we’ll miss your loving Achiles. Much loving and Light for you dear Matt.
    Bill & Yolanda

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