Cosmic Love

Matthew VanFossan/ January 20, 2020/ Love, Spirituality

John-Roger, a spiritual way shower, once defined love as the force of attraction that holds all things together. This almost sounds like impersonal gravity until I remember that everything in the universe is alive. Every rock, every atom, every thought and every emotion has life. Love, in order to draw these things towards one another, creates a deeply personal connection between them and brings them into closer proximity, greater acceptance, and ultimately, oneness.

So love holds planets in their orbit and brings people into close relationship. Love causes atoms to group together in molecules and Souls to group together in families.

It may not always look like love to an unaware observer. It may look like violence between friends, wars between countries, animals devouring one another, and stars being flung across vast cosmic distances for no apparent reason. 

This is because the physical world we observe with five senses comes in cycles. Birth and death. Day and night. Explosion and implosion. 

So, when I look upon my life and see disintegration, chaos, or confusion, it’s a chance to remember that love is working through it all. That the cycle has not yet completed itself. 
While the cycle goes on, I can practice patience which is really a kind of trust that while things may not look harmonious right now, they are destined to come back into balance, back into one accord.

And, when i remember to look at my life through the eyes of knowing, I see that even in the cyclical state of incompletion, all situations, all life, holds within it the potential for that great unification in oneness, in love. So in the highest sense of truth, the cycle is already complete, the blessings already are. Baruch Bashan.

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